Jean-François Leriget de La Faye

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Jean-François Leriget de La Faye (* 1674 in Vienne ; † July 11, 1731 in Paris ) was a French nobleman, diplomat, patron and member of the Académie française .


Jean-François Leriget, marquis de La Faye, was the son of a royal secretary and tax collector. Since he had to break off a career as an officer for health reasons, he was entrusted by Louis XIV with diplomatic missions in Genoa, Utrecht (1713) and London. In 1720 he managed the French East India Company . In addition, he worked as a wealthy art patron, bibliophile and man of letters. He was a friend of Antoine Houdar de la Motte .

In 1719 he bought the run-down Condé Castle and had it redesigned by Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni (1695–1766). A frequent guest there was Jeanne Baptiste d'Albert de Luynes , Countess of Verrua. La Faye's intellectual connections helped him to be elected to the Académie française (seat no. 13) in 1731, but he died the following year at the age of 56 (or 57). Apart from a few poems, there are no known writings by him.


  • Guillaume Glorieux: Le château de Condé. Une demeure de plaisance au siècle des Lumières . Paris 2004, pp. 13-35.

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