Jean-Marie Pérès

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Jean-Marie Pérès (born October 8, 1915 in Montpellier , † March 9, 1998 in Marseille ) was a French marine biologist .

Jean-Marie Pérès 1977

He was the son of the applied mathematician and physicist Joseph Pérès . He went to school in Marseille and studied at the École normal supérieure . From 1933 he worked as a marine biologist at the Wimereux research station with Louis Gallien . After graduating in 1935, he went with the research ship Président-Théodore-Tissier off the African coast (Azores, Canary Islands). After graduating in Paris in 1937, he went on a research trip to Morocco. From 1940 he was a taxidermist at the then small marine research laboratory of Endoume near Marseille, at that time under the direction of Max Kollmann. There he wrote his dissertation on the nervous system of sea squirts (1943). In 1944 he became deputy director of the laboratory for malacology at the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris, while at the same time headed the marine research laboratory of Dinard. In 1947 he became Maître de Conference and in 1951 Professor of Marine Biology at the Faculté des Sciences in Marseille (later the University of Aix-Marseille). From 1955 to 1970 he was professor of oceanography there. At the same time, he was director of Endoume's marine research station for 35 years, which he expanded into a major marine research center.

He dealt with the biology and systematics of the sea ​​squirts and the benthos habitat in general.

He traveled with the Calypso of Jacques Cousteau and researched with the submarine Archimède and worked with Jacques Piccard together.

In 1975 he became a member of the Académie des Sciences . He was in command of the Legion of Honor , received the Ordre National du Mérite and was honorary doctorate in Liège, Zagreb and Modena.


  • Océanographie biologique et biologie marine, Volume 1, La vie benthique, Presses universitaires de France 1961
  • with Louis Devèze: Océanographie biologique et biologie marine, Volume 2, La Vie pélagique, Presses universitaires de France 1963
  • La Vie dans les Mers, Que sais-je? Series, PUF 1965
  • La Vie dans l'océan, Le Seuil 1966
  • with Jacques Picard: Manuel de bionomie benthique. Rec. Trav. Stat. Mar. Endoume, 23, 1958, pp. 5-122
  • with Jacques Picard: Nouveau manuel de bionomie benthique. Rec. Trav. Stat. Mar. Endoume, 31, 1964, pp. 5-137
  • Précis d'océanographie biologique, PUF 1976
  • La Mer, Paris: Seghers 1987


  • PM Arnaud: Jean-Marie Pérès, le «Professeur insubmersible» de l'océanographie française, 1915-1998. Sa vie, ses publications, ses taxons, Marseille, Mésogée, volume 56, 1998

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