Jean-Pierre-François Guillot-Duhamel

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Jean-Pierre-François Guillot-Duhamel (born August 31, 1730 in Nicorpe , † February 20, 1816 in Paris ) was a French mining expert and metallurgist.

Guillot-Duhamel attended the École nationale des ponts et chaussées from 1752 and was then chosen to study mining and metallurgy with Gabriel Jars, first in France and then abroad, especially in Germany (1757 to 1759). Both were significantly involved in promoting the domestic iron and steel industry and mining by imparting knowledge from abroad. He founded steelworks in Ruffac and subsequently headed important mines and smelting works. He worked through the travelogue Voyages metallurgiques, which he edited with Jars . However, the state repeatedly resorted to his knowledge, especially after the death of Jars, who died in 1769. In 1781 he became inspector general for mining in the Corps des Mines and professor for metallurgy at the Ecole des Mines when it was founded in 1783 in the building of the mint. His colleagues there were the director Balthazar Georges Sage and the geologist Antoine-Grimald Monnet , but they were scientifically far inferior to him. He trained the elite of French mining engineers and metallurgists and published textbooks. After the revolution he became an inspector in the Corps des Mines.

He made improvements, for example in steel production and silver mining. He is portrayed as having a pleasant, serious character with many friendships in all social classes and enjoyed a high reputation.

In 1775 he became a corresponding member of the Académie des Sciences . In 1795 he became a full member of the Mineralogy Section.


  • Editor with Gabriel Jars: Voyages métallurgiques ou recherches et observations sur les mines et forges de fer, Lyon, 3 volumes, 1774 to 1781
  • Géométrie souterraine, élémentaire, théorique et pratique, 2 volumes, 1787

He left behind a manuscript, dated 1789, which reproduced his lectures on mining (L'Art du mineur ou manière d'exploiter les mines métalliques).

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