Jean Bastia

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Jean Bastia (actually Jean Simoni ; born February 15, 1919 in Bastia , † October 16, 2005 in Bergerac ) was a French film director and screenwriter .

Bastia, who chose his stage name after his place of birth, had worked as an assistant director in French film since 1946 and worked a. a. with Erich von Stroheim , Alfred Rode and often with Jean Boyer . In 1956 he made his cinema debut Nous autres à Champignol , which was followed by several comedies that met the preferences of the time. From the mid-1970s he worked as a production manager, after having barely appeared in previous positions after 1960.

He is the brother of the composer Pascal Bastia .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1956: Nous autres à Champignol
  • 1958: The Gendarme de Champignol (Le Gendarme de Champignol)
  • 1960: The Maternity Merchant (Les Tortillard)
  • 1961: Dynamite Jack (Dynamite Jack)
  • 1965: The star of Champignol (Le caid de Champignol)

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Individual evidence

  1. according to other sources in 1925