Jean Fernand-Lafargue

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Monument to Jean Fernand-Lafargue in Bordeaux

Jean Fernand-Lafargue (born February 20, 1856 in Bordeaux , † September 18, 1903 in Talence ) was a French writer.

Fernand-Lafargue completed a classical training with the Jesuit priests and then studied law until 1881. During this time he worked as a journalist and wrote articles for the literary review Le Troubadour . After graduating, he went to Paris, where he became editor of the La Petite République Française journal and the La Famille revue .

In 1882 he married Jeanne Philomène Laperche , who published several novels under the name Pierre de Coulevain . In the following years he wrote articles , short stories and novels in addition to feature articles. In 1887 he became a member of the Société des Gens de Lettres , of which he was vice-president from 1899 until his death.

For his novel Les Ouailles du Curé Fargeas , published in 1899 , he was awarded the Prix ​​Montyon by the Académie Française . In 1906 he was given a memorial in Bordeaux by the sculptor Jules Rispal .


  • La Fausse Piste , Roman, 1885
  • La Gourme , Roman, 1886
  • Une Idylle à Taïti , Roman, 1887
  • Fin d'Amour , Roman, 1890
  • Parfum de Race , lyric comedy, 1892
  • Feu et Fumée , Comedy, 1893 (Premiere Paris, Folies Bergère , 1892)
  • Sans Aimer , Poems, 1893
  • Le Coeur des Humbles , lyric comedy
  • Une Seconde Femme , Roman, 1895
  • Toujours Aimé! , Novel, 1898
  • Les Ouailles du Curé Fargeas , Roman, 1899
  • Baiser Perdu , Roman, 1899
  • Les Ciseaux d'Or , novel, 1900
  • Les Amours passent , Roman, 1901
  • Les Amours Bibliques - Ruth , Roman, 1901
  • Le Clergé de France - L'Hostie , Roman, 1902
  • La Fille des Vagues , Roman, 1902
  • Le Point Noir , Roman, 1903
  • La Palombière , Roman, 1904>
  • Les Amours Bibliques - Bethsabée , Roman, 1904
  • Les Amours Bibliques - Les Danglemar , Roman, 1904
  • Inviolées, Profils de Femmes Honnêtes , short stories, 1904
  • Le Mythe de Prométhée , essay, 1904
  • Contes Réalistes, Moeurs d'Aujourd'hui , 1905
  • La Fiancée Veuve , Roman, 1905
  • Contes Violets , 1906
  • Dette d'Honneur. Qui? , Novel, 1907
  • Les Amours Bibliques - Rachel et Lia , Roman, 1907
  • Le Comte Satan , novel, 1909
  • Contes Blancs , 1909
  • Luttes d'Amour , Roman
  • Floraisons d'Amours (in: Les Maîtres du Roman Populaire ), 1915
  • Horizons , poems, 1925

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