Jean Gilbert-Jules

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Jean Gilbert-Jules (born September 1, 1903 in Chaulnes , Département Somme ; † January 2, 1980 in Paris ) was a French lawyer and politician who was Minister of the Interior from 1956 to 1957 and later a member of the Constitutional Council between 1959 and 1968 ( Conseil constitutionnel ) was.


After attending school, Gilbert-Jules studied politics and economics , which he completed with a diploma (Diplômé d'études supérieures politiques et économiques) . He finished another law degree with a licentiate . He then began his professional career in 1925 with admission to the bar at the Court of Appeal (Cour d'Appel) in Amiens , where he acted as a procedural representative until 1961. During this time, between 1951 and 1953, he was also the president of the bar there (Bâtonnier de l'ordre) .

In addition to his work as a lawyer, he also began his political activities and was elected a member of the General Council of the Somme Department in 1945 , where he represented his native town of Chaulnes until 1964.

On September 3, 1954 Gilbert Jules took over in the cabinet of Prime Minister Pierre Mendes France the office of Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance and Economy and kept this in the subsequent second government of Prime Minister Edgar Faure until 1 February 1956th

He then succeeded Edgar Faure as Minister of the Interior (Ministre de l'Intérieur) on February 1, 1956, and held this ministerial office in the governments of Guy Mollet and Maurice Bourgès-Maunoury until he was replaced by Bourgès-Maunoury on November 6, 1957.

Gilbert-Jules, who was elected a member of the Advisory Committee on Constitutional Affairs (Comité consultatif constitutionnel) in 1958 and a member of the Senate in 1959 as a representative of the Somme department, was appointed to the Constitutional Council on February 20, 1959 by the President of the Senate Gaston Monnerville for a nine-year term , of the Conseil constitutionnel . He held this position from March 5, 1959 to March 5, 1968.

In the meantime, he was admitted to the Paris Appeal Court in 1961 and between 1962 and 1969 was a member and then an honorary member of the French Foreign Trade Council (Conseil du Commerce extérieur de la France) .

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