Jean Massin (composer)

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Pierre-Jean-Paul-Crépin Massin , called Turina (born October 25, 1793 in Alessandria , date and place of death unknown) was a French composer.

Massin spent his youth in Italy, his nickname probably comes from the city of Turin, the capital of the Piedmont region . In 1811 he came to Paris, where he studied at the Conservatoire . In 1818 he became a musician at the Théâtre des Variétés and violinist at the Paris Opera . In 1819 he became a violist at the Théâtre Royal Italy , which was directed by Jean-Jacques Grasset .

In the same year he took part in the school's composition competition with the cantata Herminie and, alongside Fromental Halévy, won the second Premier Grand Prix de Rome . During his stay in Italy, which lasted until 1824, he looked for a primadona and a first tenor for the Paris Opera on behalf of François-Antoine habeneck and got to know the opera houses of Rome, Turin, Cremona, Milan and Naples.

In 1823 Massin composed the opera La Schiava in Baghdad for the Théâtre Italien in Paris . Nothing is known about his life after 1824.

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