Everyone / every woman

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JedermannJedefrau - The Salzburg Festival Magazine is a weekly live TV magazine that has been on ORF 2 since 2017 during the Salzburg Festival . It is the first periodical culture magazine in Austria that was produced by a regional studio for the national TV program ORF 2.

Logo of Jedermann / Jedefrau


JedermannJedefrau was completely redeveloped and produced by the ORF regional studio in Salzburg , based on the idea and under the direction of regional director Christoph Takacs . The program was broadcast nationwide for the first time on July 21, 2017 on ORF 2 and subsequently on ORF III and on “fidelio”, the classic music platform of ORF and Unitel. The shooting location was the open-air studio above the roofs of Salzburg on the press terrace of the Haus für Mozart .


This TV magazine is intended to span an arc between the Salzburg Festival and the audience. The focus is on the principle of curiosity, as well as the diversity and facets of the festival, the artists, the makers behind the scenes and the guests. The aim is to create a new identification. The aim is to inspire a broad audience - for the Salzburg Festival in particular and for culture in general. At the center of this 360-degree view is Salzburg as a world cultural location, the internal and external effects of the festival and its economic importance. Artists have their say in interviews - if possible, these are conducted live.


Despite the early broadcasting time for cultural programs (6.30 p.m., ORF 2), up to 400,000 people watched this new TV format. The average reach was 243,000 viewers and a market share of 20 percent. This enabled the evening-before-night format to win over a fifth of the total television audience at airtime.

The broadcast

Employee photo

JedermannEverywoman is a mixture of background reports, short interviews and service elements. It sees itself as a summary of the end of the festival week and provides an outlook on the coming productions and events. The program tries to convey cultural issues as close to the audience as possible and, thanks to the nationwide broadcast, offers an event calendar, the festival weather or tips for visitors.


  • Kurt Liewehr - direction and technical management
  • Mario Trantura - Production Manager
  • Tobias Pötzelsberger - moderation
  • Manuel Horeth - moderation
  • Romy Seidl - branch presenter

Time slot

During the festival season in Salzburg every Friday live on ORF 2 from 6.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. - in the summer of 2017 that was six broadcasts from July 21st to August 25th. The last broadcast for the time being on August 26, 2017 was a 60-minute "best of" edition of all six issues of the festival magazine and was broadcast on 3sat .

Individual evidence

  1. ORF press release from July 13, 2017
  2. ^ ORF successful format: "Jedermann / Jedefrau - Das Salzburger Festspielmagazin" with up to 400,000 viewers - ORF, August 29, 2017 - ots.at
  3. ^ Salzburger Nachrichten, July 14, 2017, page 21 - Media - Ralf Hillebrand