Jens Koehn

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Jens Köhn (born March 21, 1948 ) is a former German historical and legal historian and today's lawyer.

Jens Köhn studied law with a focus on ancient legal history and received his doctorate in 1977 at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR with a thesis on the law of the colonies in Italy. (An investigation based on the Roman legal literature up to the beginning of the 3rd century) . At the instigation of Helga Köpstein , he became an employee of the Central Institute for Ancient History and Archeology (ZIAGA). Here Köhn was involved in several of the Central Institute's projects. Together with Klaus-Peter Johne and Volker Weber , he wrote The Colons in Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire, one of the few writings in ancient history in the GDR that received lasting international attention. Köhn was responsible for the legal historical parts of the script. Together with Joachim Herrmann , he published the then prestigious ZIAGA publication Family, State and Society Formation; together with Burkhard Rode the commemorative property as an honor for Werner Sellnow . Köhn also wrote three children's books. In the course of the political change he gave up his position at ZIAGA and became a lawyer.


Specialist literature
Children's books
  • The she-wolf of the Capitol. Children's book publisher, Berlin 1985.
  • Gods, heroes, monsters. (= My little lexicon ), Kinderbuchverlag, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-358-00913-0 (also published in Braille in 1991).
  • The Etruscans. Children of Tinia. (= Ancient cultures on the Mediterranean ), children's book publisher, Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-358-01623-4 .