Jeremy Brock

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Jeremy Brock (* 1959 ) is a British director and screenwriter who is also known as the co-inventor of the television series Casualty .

Brock was in 1997 for the screenplay of the film Mrs Brown for the BAFTA Scotland Award nomination; In 1998 he won the Evening Standard British Film Award and was nominated for the Golden Satellite Award . It was in 2006 for the screenplay of the film The Last King of Scotland - In the clutches of the power for the British Independent Film Award nomination; In 2007 he was nominated for the BAFTA Award in two categories.

In 2017 he was accepted into the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), which awards the Oscars every year.


As a screenwriter

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Class of 2017". Accessed June 30, 2017. .