Jessica Blandy

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Charleroi - station Janson - Jessica Blandy - 01.jpg

Jessica Blandy is a 24-part Franco-Belgian comic series by author Jean Dufaux and draftsman Renaud Denauw , which was published by Dupuis- Verlag from 1987 to 2006 .


The protagonist of the series is the California- born journalist and detective novel writer Jessica Blandy, who in the 1980s solves crimes in the fields of business, politics and the occult, into which she is often reluctantly and unwillingly drawn. The dark, hardboiled tone of the series is characteristic, in which the "detailed, realistic drawings totally contrast with the dark plot ... [because] everyone can be bought and everything is rotten, full of betrayal, depravity and violence": an atmosphere that Has parallels to Miami Vice . Recurring themes in the series are Blandy's depression , her alcoholism and her futile search for inner peace.

The series is widely praised for the strong protagonist. In contrast to the female characters prevalent in the late 1980s, Dufaux designed his protagonist Jessica Blandy as a strong, independent woman who is marked by the evil she has suffered but never destroyed, and who is involved in solving cases as well as in her eventful private life "Can allow anything".

Jessica Blandy was one of the first Dupuis comics in which murder and nude scenes were explicitly shown, with a clear demarcation from voyeurism or pornography and the consistency of these scenes to the above. gloomy mood is praised. In addition, Dufaux / Renaud prefer to only hint at very violent and / or sexual scenes. Jessica mostly works alone, the only confidants are the ex-police officer Gus Bomby and (from volume 9) the voodoo priestess Victoria Charman, with whom the bisexual Jessica later has a lesbian relationship.


In the early 1980s, the Franco-Belgian comic scene opened up to realistic, socially critical topics. Dufaux and Denauw, who had previously collaborated in smaller comics, wanted to create a series in which a femme fatal crime has to be solved in a film noir- inspired world of illusion full of “fraud, decadence and violence”. The setting is the United States of the 1980s, in which the American dream is being deconstructed.

In a double interview, Dufaux and Denauw comment on the development of the heroine Jessica Blandy. From the start, she was designed as a blonde, highly attractive femme fatale who was "outwardly perfect, but internally broken". In her job (author of crime novels) she is “successful enough to be financially independent”, but she is so traumatized by a chain of strokes of fate that she can only gain distance through “adventure and alcohol”. This combination of external perfection and internal fragility is the essence of the protagonist. It is also noteworthy that Jessica was interpreted as bisexual from the start . For their optics, Denauw was based on the actresses Lauren Bacall , Kim Basinger and later Sharon Stone , and according to specialist reviews, his "obvious pleasure" would be clear to show Jessica in "lightly clad poses". Although most of the show is set in the United States, Denauw admits that he "has never" been to the United States.


"One of the great crime classics of Franco-Belgian comics, which is completely convincing with its extreme realism and social criticism."


“A successful contribution to the not-too-abundant species of realistic crime comics. The heroine is tough and sexy. The stories are direct, exciting and extremely entertaining. "


“Jean Dufaux has designed gripping scenarios in which the typical staff of the crime thriller and thriller act in the background, so that the heroine is shown in the right light. Renaud implemented the whole thing in very appealing drawings. "



In Germany, Jessica Blandy was hired by Ehapa in 1992 after the first album. From 2010 to 2014 Schreiber & Leser published the series in full as a series of hard cover associations, each containing three to four original episodes.

  • Jessica Blandy 01 , ISBN 978-3941239296 (February 2010)
    • Covers the original volumes 1–3 ( Souviens-toi d'Enola Gay ... (German: Enola Gay ), La Maison du Dr Zack (German: Dr. Zack ) and Le Diable à l'aube (German: Garden of Evil ))
  • Jessica Blandy 02 , ISBN 978-3941239593 (April 2011)
    • Includes the original volumes 4–6 ( Nuits couleur blues (German: Blue Nights ), Peau d'Enfer (German: El Zamuro ) and Au loin, la fille d'Ipanema ... (German: The girl from Ipanema ) )
  • Jessica Blandy 03 , ISBN 978-3941239708 (September 2011)
    • Contains the original volumes 7-10 ( Répondez, mourant ... (German: Jalaga! ), Sans regrets, sans remords ... (German: Without regrets, without shame ), Satan, mon frère (German: Satan, my desire ) and Satan, ma déchirure ( Eng .: Satan, my perdition ))
  • Jessica Blandy 04 , ISBN 978-3941239821 (February 2012)
    • Includes the original volumes 11–13 ( Troubles au paradis (German: Trouble in Paradise ), Comme un trou dans la tête (German: Kimberley Lattua ) and Lettre à Jessica (German: Letter to Jessica ))
  • Jessica Blandy 05 , ISBN 978-3941239944 (September 2012)
    • Covers the original volumes 14-17 ( Cuba! (German: Cuba ), Ginny d'avant (German: Ginny ), Buzzard Blues (German: Bussard ) and Je suis un tueur (German: I am a murderer ))
  • Jessica Blandy 06 , ISBN 978-3943808056 (April 2013)
    • Contains the original volumes 18-20 ( Le contrat Jessica (Eng .: Hunt for Jessica ), Erotic attitude (Eng .: Erotic Attitude ) and Mr Robinson )
  • Jessica Blandy 07 , ISBN 978-3943808216 (February 2014)
    • Contains the original volumes 21–24 ( La Frontière (German: The border ), Blue harmonica (German: The man with the harmonica ), La chambre 27 (German: Room 27 ) and Les gardiens (German: The guardians) )


  1. a b Jessica Blandy ,
  2. The manner of the drinking habits of Jessica Blandy were published in 2001 by Corinne Six as part of her dissertation La représentation des conduites d'alcoolisation de la femme dans la bande dessinée à propos de 3 cas: Carmen Cru, Soeœur Marie-Thérèse et Jessica Blandy an of the Université du droit et de la santé (Lille).
  3. a b c Comic Review - Jessica Blandy 1: Enola Gay / Dr. Zack / Garden of Evil ,
  4. Introduction to Jessica Blandy 01 (German anthology), ISBN 978-3941239296 , February 2010.
  5. ↑ The author's epilogue to Jessica Blandy 24 (French original volume), February 2006.
  6. Introduction to Jessica Blandy 02 (German anthology), ISBN 978-3941239593 , April 2011.
  7. Erotic: Jessica Blandy Volume 1 ,

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