Yevgenia Andreevna Shigulenko

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Yevgenia Andrejewna Schigulenko ( Russian Евгения Андреевна Жигуленко ; born December 1, 1920 in Krasnodar , † March 2, 1994 in Moscow ) was a Soviet bomber pilot and film director .


During the Second World War , she did military service with the night witches , which consisted of women only , who flew combat missions at night with simple Polikarpow Po-2 biplanes .

Schigulenko flew 968 sorties and was named Hero of the Soviet Union . After the war she stayed with the Air Force. After leaving, she graduated from the Gerasimov Institute for Cinematography and worked as a film director.

She was buried in the Trojekurowo cemetery.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1982: Night Witches in the Sky ( Russian В небе «Ночные ведьмы» , "W nebje Notschnije Wedmy")
  • 1984: (Russian Без права на провал , "Bjes prawa na prowal", in German roughly: Without the right to fail)
  • 1984: Bjes prawa na prowal
  • 1982: Night Witches in the Sky (W nebje Notschnije Wedmy)


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