Jiří Haussmann

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Jiří Haussmann (around 1917)

Jiří Haussmann (born October 30, 1898 in Prague ; † January 7, 1923 there ) was a Czech poet .


Haussmann was the son of the President of the Supreme Court and later Minister of Justice. He studied law and obtained his doctorate in 1920. jur .; During his military service he fell ill with the Spanish flu , from which he did not recover despite a stay at a health resort in Görbersdorf . Haussmann was considered a contentious political satirist in the continuation of the Havlíček-Borovský tradition. He wrote epigrams against the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and attacked the social conditions of the bourgeois Czechoslovak Republic in his short satirical prose and in his novel Tugend-Großproduktion (published in 1922).


  • Wild Tales (1922)
  • The short story Minus 1 (t: Ludwig Richter) appeared in the anthology "A Prague Sherlock Holmes - Czech Humoresken." Berlin, Verlag der Nation, 1990