Joachim Bornkamm

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Joachim Bornkamm (born December 27, 1948 in Göttingen ) is a German lawyer and was initially a judge from 1996 to 2014 and since 2006 presiding judge at the Federal Court of Justice .


Bornkamm grew up in Heidelberg and then studied in Freiburg, Munich, Lausanne and Oxford (Dipl. In Law). He passed his state exams in Freiburg in 1973 and in Stuttgart in 1976 and received his doctorate with the thesis "Freedom of the press and fairness of criminal proceedings". In 1977 he entered the higher judicial service of the state of Baden-Württemberg and became a judge at the district court of Freiburg im Breisgau . He was appointed public prosecutor in 1979 and judge at the Freiburg Regional Court in 1981 . From 1981 to 1983 he was a consultant in the copyright department of the Federal Ministry of Justice , and from 1985 to 1988 he was seconded to the Federal Court of Justice as a research assistant. From 1989 he was a judge at the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court (6th civil senate). Since his appointment as judge at the Federal Court of Justice in 1996, he has been a member of the First Civil Senate ; until September 2009 he was also a member of the Cartel Senate . Since November 2006 he was chairman of the 1st civil senate, from January to July 2013 he was also chairman of the cartel senate. Bornkamm retired on February 28, 2014 after reaching the age limit. He has been teaching since 1995, and since 2000 an honorary professorship for competition and antitrust law as well as intellectual property and copyright law at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg . In May 2013 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of St. Gallen . He is the author of numerous publications on copyright and trademark law as well as competition and antitrust law.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Presidium decision of the BGH of June 26, 2013 ( Memento of October 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive )