Jochen Strobel

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Jochen Strobel (born April 27, 1966 in Münchberg ) is a German literary scholar . He is an adjunct professor for modern German literature at the Philipps University of Marburg .


Strobel studied modern German literature from 1986 to 1992 at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and then received a scholarship from the Saxon Graduate Fund. In 1997 he received his doctorate at the TU Dresden with a thesis on Thomas Mann , where he worked as a research assistant from 1998. After taking on teaching positions in 2004, he has been a research assistant at the Institute for Modern German Literature at the Philipps University of Marburg since 2006 , where he completed his habilitation in 2008. This was followed by substitute professorships in Magdeburg and Osnabrück; In 2009 he was visiting professor at the University of Sanaa . In 2014 he was appointed associate professor.

Work areas

His work focuses on the field of poetry , nobility research, literary romanticism, the culture of letters and editing . Current research projects are the publication of the digital edition of August Wilhelm Schlegel's letters in cooperation with the Saxon State and University Library Dresden and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities as well as a project on the semantics of nobility in cooperation with Eckart Conze .



  • Disenchantment of the nation. The representation of Germany in Thomas Mann's work . (Dissertation Technical University Dresden 1997) Dresden: Thelem 2000.
  • A cultural poetics of the nobility in the romantic era. Negotiations between 'nobility' and literature around 1800. (Habilitation thesis Philipps-Universität Marburg 2008) Berlin / New York: de Gruyter 2010 (XIII + 479 p .; sources and research on literary and cultural history, NF, 66).
  • Poetry analysis. An introduction. Berlin: Erich Schmidt 2015 (= Basics of German Studies. Volume 59).

Editor (selection)

  • About intercourse with poets and ghosts. Figures of authorship in the letter culture. Heidelberg: Winter 2006.
  • with York-Gothart mix : the European August Wilhelm Schlegel. Romantic culture transfer - romantic worlds of knowledge. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter 2010 (= sources and research on literary and cultural history; 62).
  • with Eckart Conze , Jörg Schuster and Wencke Meteling : Aristocratism and Modernism 1890–1945. Bonn u. a .: Böhlau 2013, ISBN 978-3-412-21007-6 .
  • with Jörg Schuster: Letter culture from Martin Luther to Thomas Bernhard . Texts and interpretations. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter 2013.
  • with Jürgen Wolf : Maecenas and his heirs. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. apl. Prof. Dr. Jochen Strobel, Vita , University of Marburg, accessed on June 15, 2016