Jochen Voit

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Jochen Andreas Voit (* 1972 in Nuremberg ) is a German historian, author and exhibition curator. He is the head of the Andreasstraße memorial and educational center and teaches public history at the University of Erfurt .


Voit learned the trade of bookseller and then studied history and communication science in Munich. In addition, he moderated radio programs and wrote a. a. for the Süddeutsche Zeitung . From 2002 he worked as a freelance journalist in Berlin, curating historical exhibitions and developing oral history projects ( In 2006/2007 Voit stood in front of the camera as a history expert for the Pro7 program " Galileo Mystery ". He then worked as a speaker and author for the DDR Museum Berlin .

At the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jochen Voit received his doctorate in 2010 with a political and cultural-historical biography on the socialist icon Ernst Busch . The resulting book, which was published when it was built, was widely reviewed; the NDR called it a "masterpiece". In 2011 he was an editor at the contemporary witness portal “Gedächtnis der Nation” in Mainz, before he took over the management of the development staff at the Andreasstrasse memorial and educational site in Erfurt in 2012. In 2014 he was appointed director of the memorial. His style as a curator and history mediator is characterized, among other things, by the strong use of pop cultural means, especially comics. According to MDR, Jochen Voit is "one of the most innovative mediators of history".

Jochen Voit is the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's liaison professor and advises memorials and museums. In 2018/19 he was a member of the Keibelstrasse expert committee, which developed recommendations for the transformation of Berlin's historic police prison.

He is a board member of the Museum Association of Thuringia and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Weimar Republic Association of the House of the Weimar Republic .

Fonts (selection)

  • He touched the sleep of the world. Ernst Busch - The biography. Structure, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-351-02716-2 .
  • (Co-author), Robert Rückel (Ed.): GDR leader. Journey to a bygone state. 2nd, completely revised and expanded edition. DDR-Museum-Verlag, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-939801-16-0 .
  • Andreasstrasse for children. The participation book for the exhibition. Concept together with Judith Mayer; Design: Anita Grabovac, Andrea Kaufmann. Ettersberg Foundation, Erfurt 2015, ISBN 978-3-943098-12-9 .
  • (Co-author and co-editor) Peter Maser, Hans-Joachim Veen (Ed.): Detention - dictatorship - revolution: Thuringia 1949–1989. The book on the Andreasstrasse memorial and educational site. Ettersberg Foundation, Erfurt 2015, ISBN 978-3-943098-13-6 .
  • Andreasstrasse Memorial. Imprisonment, dictatorship and revolution in Erfurt. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-86153-885-1 .
  • (Co-author and co-editor) Christiane Kuller, Annegret Schüle (Ed.): Down with Hitler! The resistance of the Erfurt commercial students around Jochen Bock. State Center for Political Education Thuringia, Erfurt 2016, ISBN 978-3943588-91-0 .
  • (Author), Hamed Eshrat (Drawings): DOWN WITH HITLER! or Why Karl didn't want to be a cyclist. avant-verlag, Berlin 2018 ISBN 978-3-945034-98-9 .
  • (Author), Gabriele Stötzer (Drawings): Ringleaders. Student protest in the GDR 1976. Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2018 ISBN 978-3-86732-309-3 .

Cinematic works (selection)

  • "Down with Hitler" - 5 Erfurt students in the resistance against National Socialism. ' Concept and direction: Jochen Voit; 1. Camera and editing: Joachim Köhler; 2nd camera: Christopher Fink; Production: Ettersberg Foundation; Scientific advice from the research group on the Erfurt youth resistance under National Socialism (Christiane Kuller, University of Erfurt; Annegret Schüle, pot & sons memorial site; Jochen Voit, Andreasstrasse memorial and educational site); funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. 2015.
  • Places of the Peaceful Revolution in Erfurt. From the first prayer for peace to the first Stasi occupation. City tour with media guide in ten stations. Concept: Barbara Sengewald, Matthias Sengewald, Jochen Voit; Director: Jochen Voit; Camera and editing: Christopher Fink; Production: Ettersberg Foundation; funded by the Federal Foundation for the Processing of the SED Dictatorship. 2014/2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Werth on NDR Kultur on June 22, 2010.
  3. Memorial Andreasstraße Erfurt: What to do if students mistake Honecker for Hitler? | MDR.DE. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  5. ^ House of the Weimar Republic • House of the Weimar Republic. Weimarer Republik eV, accessed on July 29, 2019 .