Johan Albert Ankum

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YES Ankum (1970)

Johan Albert Ankum , also: Hans Ankum , (* July 23, 1930 in Amsterdam ; † June 3, 2019 ) was a Dutch legal scholar and legal historian .


Hans Ankum studied Dutch law at the University of Amsterdam . After completing his law exam on December 15, 1953, he continued his education in Paris . After returning to the Netherlands, he received a teaching position for legal papyrology in Amsterdam on September 1, 1960 , which he carried out until November 25, 1965. On June 29, 1962, he received his doctorate in Amsterdam with the work De geschiedenis of the " actio Pauliana " under Hendrik Richard Hoetink (1900–1963) as a doctor of law.

On February 20, 1963, Ankum was appointed professor of law, with a focus on the basics of Roman and earlier Dutch law, at the University of Leiden . He took up this position on March 1, 1963 and gave his introductory speech on January 31, 1964, De voorouders van een boze fee (freely translated into German: The ancestors of an evil fairy ), and he also had his speech in Leiden on November 5, 1965 got an extraordinary professorship for a period of three years, during which he taught the basics of Roman law.

But he was drawn more to Amsterdam, where soon afterwards, on November 15, 1965, he was given a full professorship for Roman law, the historical development of jurisprudence and legal papyrology. Although he was again engaged in Leiden from November 15, 1968 to December 31, 1968, his main place of activity remained in Amsterdam. Until his retirement on August 1, 1995, he wrote a large number of literary treatises, was dean of the law faculty twice (1976–1978 and 1989–1991) and vice-rector of the Alma Mater in 1979 and 1984/85.

He had also gained an excellent reputation internationally as an excellent expert on European legal history and Roman law. In 1986 Ankum was accepted as a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences , as well as the Italian Accademia Romanistica Constantiniana in Perugia and the French Société d'Histoire du Droit in Paris. He was also awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Aix-Marseille on November 28, 1986, an honorary doctorate from the Ruhr University Bochum on June 28, 1995 and an honorary doctorate from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel .

Works (selection)

  • Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de D. Cohen "Schets van het Notariaat in het oude Egypte". 1956
  • "Interdictum fraudatorium" et "restitutio in integrum ob fraudem. 1964
  • De voorouders van een tweehoofdig twistziek monster: Beschouwingen over de hist. Ontwikkeling van het conditional behavior van een derde; speech, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding ... aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam on May 13th, 1967. 1967
  • Symbolae iuridicae et historicae Martino David dedicatae. 1968
  • Mini-plakaatboek Zeven van de belangrijkste bet uit het oud-vaderlandse right. 1968
  • Plus est en vous. Opstellen over rechts en cultuur. Aangeboden aan Prof. Mr. A. Pitlo ter is located in the 25-year hoogleraarschap. 1970
  • Romeinsrechtelijk handwoordenboek. 1973
  • Cessation de la minorité: études sur le statut juridique des enfants mineurs dans l'histoire du droit privé néerlandais à partir du treizième siècle. 1976
  • Legal ground. 1982
  • "L'actio de pauperie" and "L'actio legis Aquiliae" in le droit romain classique. 1982
  • Gaius, Theophilus and Tribonian and the "actiones mixtae". 1983
  • La responsabilità del creditore pignoratizio nel diritto romano classico. 1983
  • The goal of the "actio empti" according to eviction. 1985
  • Studia Amstelodamensia ad epigraphicam, ius antiquum et papyrologicam pertinentia. 1986
  • Opera selecta: études de droit romain et d'histoire du droit. 1986
  • Mélanges Felix Wubbe: offers par ses collègues et ses amis à l'occasion de son soixante-dixième anniversaire. 1993
  • Études dédiées à Hans Ankum à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire. 1995, 2nd vol.
  • Extravagant: scritti sparsi sul diritto romano. 2007


  • H. Beukers: Album Scholasticum academiae lugduno-batavae MCMLXXV-MCMLXXXIX. (1975-1989), Leids University Fund, Leiden 1991.

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