Hendrik Richard Hoetink

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Hendrik Richard Hoetink (also known by his nickname Henk Hoetink ; born July 27, 1900 in Lubu Dalam ( Sumatra ), † November 13, 1963 in Amsterdam ) was a Dutch lawyer and legal historian .


Hendrik Richard Hoetink was born as the son of the artist of the same name and his wife Anna Gijsberta Jongbloed in East Sumatra. A year after his birth, he returned to the Netherlands with his family after his father completed an artistic assignment in Sumatra. The family moved to The Hague , where Hoetink spent his school days. He studied law at the University of Leiden . In 1920 he passed his candidate examination with cum laude and in 1923 - also with cum laude - his doctoral examination , which qualifies him to practice as a lawyer.

From 1922 to 1924 Hoetink worked as a tutor for Roman , civil and commercial law. In 1924 he compiled a collection of important civil law decisions of the High Council of the Netherlands . In 1925 he published collections of decisions on commercial law and civil procedural law and in 1926 on private international law . At the same time he worked for the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways), where he achieved the position of inspector 2nd class in 1928. On March 9, 1928, Hendrik Richard Hoetink received his doctorate in Leiden . His Proefschrift (dissertation) Periculum est emptoris (“The risk lies with the buyer”) dealt with the distribution of risk in the purchase contract .

In 1929, Henk Hoetink was appointed to the chair of civil law at the legal school in Batavia as the successor to his teacher Adam Hubert Marie Joseph van Kan (1877-1944) . There he devoted himself above all to the comparison between European law and Adat law ; he wrote numerous articles about it in the Indian Tijdschrift voor het Recht .

In 1935, the city of Amsterdam appointed him full professor of Roman law at the Universiteit van Amsterdam . His inaugural lecture caused a sensation because Hoetink linked Roman legal history - which was still unusual at the time - with a view of Roman social, economic and cultural history far beyond the consideration of the development of Roman legislation and Roman jurisprudence. In his teaching activities, he always went into the history of the impact of Roman law in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period. That is why he was entrusted with the chair of legal history in 1945.

In view of the rise of National Socialism in Germany, far from the Dutch East Indies , Hoetink was briefly fascinated by Adolf Hitler's charisma. But above all the document collection Die brown Kultur , published in 1934 by the couple Cassie and Heinz Michaelis and Willy Oscar Somin at Europa Verlag in Zurich with the help of the emigrants in Switzerland , opened his eyes. After the occupation of the Netherlands by German troops in May 1940 , he made no secret of his anti-Nazi attitude. Thereupon he was removed from his professorship, arrested in January 1942 along with 80 other prominent Amsterdamers and taken to the Amersfoort camp, but released after three months. To avoid being arrested again, he had to go into hiding.

After the liberation of Amsterdam in April 1945, Henk Hoetink was able to resume teaching. In the same year he became dean of the law faculty, and in 1948/1949 he was rector of the University of Amsterdam. The expansion of the perspective and the range of methods of Roman legal history suggested by him in 1935 became more and more popular in the 1950s; he was invited to numerous guest lectures at foreign universities. At the 6th annual meeting of the Société Internationale pour l'Histoire des Droits de l'Antiquité (SIHDA, today: Société Internationale "Fernand De Visscher" pour l'Histoire des Droits de l'Antiquité ) in 1952 he gave the impetus for the Handbook series Ius Romanum Medii Aevi on Roman law in the Middle Ages.

From 1947 to 1955 Hoetink was one of the three editors ( hoofdredacteur ) of the 6th edition of the Winkler Prins Encyclopedie, which was published in 18 volumes . In the last years of his life, a progressive eye disease made reading more and more difficult.

Henk Hoetink had been married to Johanna Cornelia Gertges since 1927; a son was born to them.

Fonts (selection)

  • Arrest over burgerlijk right . 1924 (twelve editions until 1972)
  • Arrests over commercial law en burgerlijk procesrecht . 1925 (seven editions until 1967)
  • Arrests over international private law . 1926
  • "Periculum est emptoris". Beschouwingen over de grondheid van den aanval op de classiciteit van dezen Romeinsch-Rechtselijken rule . 1928
  • Over het verstaan ​​van vreemd right. Speech uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het hoogleeraarsambt aan de Rechtshoogeschool te Batavia, op 20 December 1929 (inaugural lecture)
  • De achtergrand van het Romeinse Recht. Speech uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het hoogleraarsambt aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, op 28 January 1935 (inaugural lecture)
  • De Vrijheid the Wetenschap . 1938
  • Praeadviezen over: "In wilting gevallen kan de debiteur van een Geldvordering op naam te goeder trouw betaald te hebben aan den quitter van de inschuld" . 1941
  • Historical law enforcement. Speech uitgesproken op 10 January 1949 at the occasion of the 316de this natalis van de Universiteit van Amsterdam . 1949 (Rector's speech)
  • This is understood in divorced law . In: Weerklank op het werk van Jan Romein. Liber Amicorum . 1953, pp. 55-63.
  • About anachronistic concept formation in legal history . In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History (ZRG), Romance Department, Vol. 72 (1955), Issue 1, pp. 39–53.
  • Comt aan de historical ontwikkeling een normatieve betekenis toe voor het proces der rechtsvorming? In: Handelingen van de vereniging voor wijsbegeerte des Rechts , Vol. 42 (1957), pp. 3-34.
  • Rechtsgeleerde opstellen , edited by Johan Albert Ankum , Henne JN Boskamp and Jean Louis Paul Cahen. 1982; therein a bibliography of the writings of Hendrik Richard Hoetink
  • Opera selecta. Études de droit romain et d'histoire du droit . 1986


  • Petrus Benedictus Maria Blaas: Henk Hoetink (1900–1963), een intellectuele biography. Right in divorce . Lost, Hilversum 2010, ISBN 978-90-8704-206-6 .
  • Robert Feenstra: HR Hoetink . In: Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis , Vol. 31 (1963), pp. 521-524.
  • Felix Wubbe : Hendrik Richard Hoetink † . In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History , Romance Department, Vol. 81 (1964), pp. 511-514.
  • Art. Hoetink, Hendrik Richard . In: Grote Winkler Prins. Encyclopedie in 26 delen , 9de geheel nieuwe druk, vol. 11: Hall – hydrogel . Elsevier, Amsterdam 1991, ISBN 90-10-09011-6 .


  1. ^ Felix Wubbe: Hendrik Richard Hoetink † . In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History , Romance Department, vol. 81 (1964), p. 511.
  2. ^ Reinhard Zimmermann : Roman Law in the Modern World . In: David Johnston (ed.): The Cambridge companion to Roman Law . Cambridge University Press, New York 2015, ISBN 978-0-521-89564-4 , pp. 452-480, here pp. 458 and 474.
  3. Petrus Benedictus Maria Blaas: Henk Hoetink (1900-1963), een intellectuele biography . Lost, Hilversum 2010, p. 61.
  4. Petrus Benedictus Maria Blaas: Henk Hoetink (1900-1963), een intellectuele biography . Verloren, Hilversum 2010, pp. 86–92.
  5. ^ Robert Feenstra: HR Hoetink . In: Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis , vol. 31 (1963), p. 523.
  6. Petrus Benedictus Maria Blaas: Henk Hoetink (1900-1963), een intellectuele biography . Verloren, Hilversum 2010, pp. 125-138.
  7. Petrus Benedictus Maria Blaas: Henk Hoetink (1900-1963), een intellectuele biography . Verloren, Hilversum 2010, pp. 139–146.

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