Johann Baptist Grütter

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Johann Baptist Grütter (1849–1921)

Johann Baptist Grütter (born January 13, 1849 in St. Gallen ; † April 28, 1921 there ) was a Swiss bank director.


Johann Baptist Grütter grew up in very modest circumstances. His father was a small farmer and path maker. As the eldest son, he later had two brothers and a sister. He attended the Catholic Cantonal Secondary School in St. Gallen, followed by the mercantile department (commercial training) at the Cantonal School of St. Gallen . From 1865 he continued his training at Creditanstalt St. Gallen, a small savings and loan bank at the time.

In 1859 his father bought the "Loch" farm above St. Gallen near the town of Speicher AR , where JB Grütter lived until 1874. He was the only one of the four siblings to get married and subsequently had seven children, three of whom died at a young age. In contrast to his father, he could afford to have a large family, as he was only 25 years old when he became managing director of Creditanstalt (CA) St. Gallen, later called Bank CA St. Gallen , in 1874 .

He subsequently positioned the local bank as a major lender in the region's construction market. One spoke of the CA as a real construction bank . During his last years as a bank director, the First World War raged , which also paralyzed construction activity in Switzerland. The small bank also mastered this difficult period better than other institutions.

In addition to his job, JB Grütter was an avid mountaineer and lieutenant colonel in the Swiss army. A special feature of the Grütter family was that their 15 years younger brother Josef also became bank director. Josef Grütter later headed the Eidgenössische Bank branch in St. Gallen until after the Second World War . Josef outlived his brother Johann Baptist by 43 years.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b In memory of JB Grütter: Director of the Creditanstalt St. Gallen 1874 to 1918. Buchdruckerei Zollikofer, St. Gallen, 1921