Johann Dreyschütz

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Johann Dreyschütz (* 1880 ; † 1959 in Tübingen ) was a German lithographer and painter in Tübingen.

Live and act

Johann Dreyschütz worked as a lithographer in Munich . When photography replaced stone printing at the beginning of the 20th century, Dreyschütz, like many of his professional colleagues, lost his job and had to look around for new tasks. That is why he went on a long hiking trip in 1906. He earned his living by drawing sights, inns, hotels, factories and landscapes along the way and selling these drawings to postcard publishers as templates.

His specialty were bird's eye views. His drawings were superior to photos, since aerial photography was insufficiently developed and extremely complex. In addition, the bird's eye view could be tailored to the interests and wishes of the buyers, for example by highlighting and emphasizing individual buildings. He made stops in numerous locations in southwest Germany, including several times in Tübingen, where he finally relocated in 1922 to work for the Metz brothers publishing house . In fifty years around 1,500 postcard templates were created.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gerhard Stumpp: Views and prospects. The painter Johann Dreyschütz (1880–1959)


  • Gerhard Stumpp: Views and Prospects. The lithographer and landscape painter Johann Dreyschütz (1880–1859) and his bird's eye view postcards . With an appendix by Dieter Ott and Gerhard Stumpp. Stadtmuseum Tübingen: Tübingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-910090-80-4 (Tübingen catalogs, 79)