Johann Friedrich Gottlob Közle

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Johann Friedrich Gottlob Közle (born February 20 or April 20, 1845 in Oethlingen ; died October 23, 1908 in Stuttgart-Berg ) was a teacher in Cannstatt and Geislingen and the author of numerous educational non-fiction books.


Közle was born in 1845 to Johann Friedrich Koezle and Anna Barbara Naegelen. On January 10, 1869, he married Wilhelmina Roth, with whom he had five children. After Wilhelmina's death on July 6, 1875, Közle married Christiana Hinderer on December 12, 1875 in Dörzbach, born on October 21, 1851 in Walddorf, with whom he had seven children. After the death of his second wife on January 10, 1886, Közle married the then seventeen-year-old Wilhelmine Vogelmann on June 5, 1886, with whom he had eleven more children.


Közle's book The Pedagogical Pathology in Education of the 19th Century was honored with the prize of the Leipzig Pedagogical Society. His work The Pedagogical School Herbarts and its teaching presented comprehensibly and assessed was awarded the first prize from eighteen submitted works by the Royal Württemberg Consistory . The consistory justified this judgment u. a. with the following remark: “The author has settled deeply into the context of Herbart's basic ideas. The first part is a pattern of well-ordered, luminous, lively depiction of the main teachings of Herbart-Ziller with their prerequisites and consequences. The critical part is characterized by the varied illumination of Ziller's constellations and by a measured judgment, whereby in particular the not very clear position on Christian truth is pointed out as a major flaw. The language is fluent and lively and shows only a few inaccuracies. "

Publications (selection)

  • Educational Pathology in Education in the 19th Century , C. Bertelsmann, 1893 - 494 pages OCLC 19498701 ( limited preview )
  • Herbart's educational school and its teaching comprehensibly presented and assessed , C. Bertelsmann, 1889 - 276 pages OCLC 7491658 ( limited preview )
  • New signpost for the German protected areas in Africa, the South Seas and East Asia OCLC 315442169 ( limited preview )
  • Germany's colonies and their significance for our German fatherland with special consideration of the mission. G. Hopf Cannstatt, 1899, 72 pages OCLC 458038821
  • The general elementary school or unit school Stuttgart 1891 OCLC 254344249

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Family tree of Johann Friedrich Gottlob Koezle at
  2. a b c family tree of Johann Friedrich Gottlob Koezle at
  3. Rita Casale , Daniel Tröhler, Jürgen Oelkers : Methods and Contexts: Historiographical Problems of Educational Research , Wallstein Verlag , 2006, ISBN 9783835300774 , p. 274 ( limited preview )
  4. Lutz Raphael , Heinz-Elmar Tenorth : Ideas as a social creative force in Europe of the modern age: Contributions for a renewed intellectual history , Oldenbourg Verlag , 2006, ISBN 9783486596342 , p. 501 ( limited preview )
  5. ^ Monthly sheet of the Protestant teachers' association, quoted in Közle: Die pädagogische Pathologie p. 495