Johann Heinrich of Oldenburg

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Johann Heinrich von Oldenburg († after 1778 ) was a Prussian major and regiment chief of the I. Standing Grenadier Battalion .


He was a member of the widespread noble family of Oldenburg and served as an officer in the Prussian army . The king wore him become vacant on June 24, 1778 Infantry Battalion "pipe" on. He was the head of the regiment until 1779 and thus took an active part in the War of the Bavarian Succession .

Individual evidence

  1. Curt Jany : History of the Prussian Army from the 15th century to 1914 , Volume 3, Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück, p. 127.
  2. ^ Johann Friedrich Seyfart : Impartheyische Geschichte des Bavarian Succession War , Leipzig 1780, p. 148.
  3. Eduard Lange : The soldiers of Frederick the Great. Hermann Mendelssohn, Leipzig [1853], p. 294.
  4. ^ Günther Gieraths : The combat operations of the Brandenburg-Prussian Army 1626-1807. A source manual . Walter de Gruyter , Berlin 1964, pp. 306 , 308 , 321 and 580.