Johann Jakob Badger

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Johann Jakob Dachs (born June 24, 1667 in Zofingen , † August 16, 1744 in Bern ) was a Swiss Protestant clergyman.


Johann Jakob Dachs was the son of Hans Dachs (* 1640 in Bern; † 1735) and his wife Magdalena (née Berner). In 1689 he began studying theology at the University of Geneva together with Samuel Güldin and Samuel Schumacher . He had been a candidate at the Upper Hospital Church in Bern since 1692 and, as a pastor in Holderbank, was one of the leading Bernese Pietists since 1695 . In 1714 he became a helper and in 1717 pastor at the Bern Minster . From 1732 to 1744 he was pastor primarius at the Bern Minster and Dean of the Bern Chapter . Johann Jakob Dachs was married to Katharina, daughter of Niklaus Engelhard († 1689), pastor of Oberhofen and pastor of Hilterfingen . They had four children together.

Pietistic work

In 1699 he was sentenced in the great pietist trial of the Grand Council in Bern for the dissemination of forbidden literature, including by Christian Hoburg , and for his external contacts, but was left in office. He represented during the inspection of the Lausanne Academy in 1719 in the disputed points of the Formula Consensus and the Bernese Association oath a conciliatory stance and edited with Auguste de Trey (1683-1756), the first, especially for the Church of Vaud certain liturgy of 1725, and was presumably the author of the French edition of the Bern Synod of 1732. The career of Johann Jakob Dachs shows how Pietism gradually experienced an ecclesiastical integration .

Fonts (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bernese families - persons. Retrieved November 17, 2019 .
  2. Gottlieb Ludwig Lauterburg: Berner Taschenbuch . S. 113. Haller ( [accessed on November 17, 2019]).
  3. Isabelle Noth: Ecstatic Pietism: the Inspirationsgemeinden and their prophet Ursula Meyer (1682-1743) . S. 72. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005, ISBN 978-3-525-55831-7 ( [accessed on November 17, 2019]).
  4. ^ Formula Consensus. Retrieved November 17, 2019 .
  5. Trey, de. Retrieved November 17, 2019 .