Johann Rast

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Johann Rast (* 1954 in Munich ) is a German lawyer.


Rast passed the Abitur at the Melanchthon-Gymnasium in Nuremberg and studied law in Erlangen. After completing his legal traineeship, he worked as a lawyer in Lauf an der Pegnitz for a few years. In 1985 he joined the Bavarian Police. He worked in the police headquarters in Munich and Upper Franconia and at the police headquarters in Straubing. He then worked for three years as a consultant in the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior . He then became head of personnel for the Bavarian riot police in Bamberg. In 2006 he became Vice President of the Upper Bavaria Police Headquarters. With its division into the areas South and North, he moved to the post of President of the Police Headquarters Upper Bavaria North in Ingolstadt on January 1, 2009. On February 1, 2011, he moved to the head of Police Headquarters Middle Franconia.


Rast is the politically responsible police officer for a mission in Nuremberg (chief police director and responsible department head: Hermann Guth), during which a 20-year-old Afghan citizen was to be deported on June 1, 2017 and picked up from vocational school 11. The day before, a heavy bomb attack with 90 dead destroyed the German embassy in Kabul. Although no police officers appeared in the classroom in Nuremberg, but instead asked the headmaster Michael Adamczewski, the situation escalated and classmates sat in front of the school on Berliner Platz, which were then cleared with great severity. In a subsequent press conference broadcast live on Facebook, Rast justified the event with principles of the rule of law. As it became known that afternoon on the same day, the federal and state governments suspended deportations to Afghanistan for the time being.

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supporting documents

  1. a b c ZDF heute-journal from June 2nd , 2017 : After tumults in Nuremberg ( memento of the original from June 3rd, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , downloaded July 3, 2017 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. SPON : German embassy massively damaged in attack - dozens of dead , downloaded on June 1, 2017
  3. ^ Frankenschau: Protest against deportation in Nuremberg escalated , downloaded on June 1st, 2017
  4. Police Middle Franconia: Press conference on June 1st, 2017 on the police operation on May 31st, 2017 at BerlinerPlatz in Nuremberg. , downloaded on 06/01/17
  5. [Berliner Morgenpost]: 20-year-old Afghan from Nuremberg does not have to be in custody, downloaded on June 1st, 2017