Johann Schnabel

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Johann Schnabel (*?; † December 27, 1546 in Selb ) was a Protestant theologian and reformer .


There is no news of Schnabel's early days. It is reported that he comes from the Ansbach area . He was first mentioned by name when Margrave Georg appointed him preacher at the hospital in Kulmbach in 1528 . In the following year he was already designated as superintendent and in this capacity carried out the visitation “on the mountains”. He worked with great zeal and energy for the order of the communities. In this way he creates orderly conditions in the rural communities.

Thanks to his persistence, he prevailed everywhere, despite existing difficulties. During the visitation, the Brandenburg-Nuremberg church order was introduced. Ludwig Agricola , Simon Schneeweiß and Valentin Wanner supported him in this work . In spite of cramped conditions and meager income, Schnabel stuck to work and pushed the Reformation through everywhere in his field. As a result of courtly intrigues, he was ousted from Kulmbach. Now he retired to Selb, where he also ended his life.


  • AW Heckel: Examples of good things from the history of the city of Kulmbach. Kulmbach 1885
  • Wilhelm Gussmann: Sources and research on the history of the Augsburg Confession of Faith, Vol. 1–2 . Page 333, Olms, Hildesheim 2005, ISBN 3-487-12886-1 (unchanged reprint of the Leipzig 1911 edition).
  • Theodor von Kolde : On the history of ordination and church discipline . In: Theological Studies and Criticisms , Vol. 67 (1894), pp. 217-234.
  • Hermann Jordan : Reformation and learned education in Ansbach and Bayreuth, Vol. 1–2 . Deichert, Erlangen 1917/22.