Johann Wacker

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Johann Wacker (born March 19, 1868 in Gröningen , † September 28, 1934 in Stuttgart ) was a German crop scientist.


Born as the son of a farmer and brewery owner, Johann Wacker studied agriculture from 1887 to 1890 at the Agricultural Academy Hohenheim , where he became a member of the Academic Society Gemütlichkeit , later the Corps Germania . In the following years he worked as an agriculture teacher, estate manager and seed inspector. In 1895 he went to the University of Leipzig , where in 1898 he received his PhD from W. Pfeiffer at the Botanical Institute. phil. received his doctorate. In 1897 he was commissioned to set up an agricultural winter school in Leonberg , which he led until 1907. In addition, he was an agricultural expert in consulting and administration.

In 1907, Wacker was appointed as the successor to Carl Fruwirth as professor of crop science at the Hohenheim Agricultural University and as head of the Württemberg State Plant Breeding Institute . The focus of his scientific work was the establishment and evaluation of regional variety trials and seed production. He published the results of his work regularly in the Württemberg weekly paper for agriculture .


  • The influence of the surrounding medium on the growth of the roots , 1898
  • The oil fruits , 1909, 2nd edition 1917, 3rd completely revised edition 1934
  • Modern agriculture , 1913
  • Mechanical seed preparation in cereals and legumes and their influence on the quantity and quality of the harvest , 1913, 2nd edition 1925
  • Cultivation and fertilization plans as well as fertilizer distribution plans for use in large and small agricultural holdings together with instructions for drawing up fertilization plans for different conditions , 1914
  • Commercial greenhouses , 1917
  • Agriculture in war! , 1917
  • Sample farms for the proper use of commercial fertilizers


  • Theophil Gerber: personalities from agriculture, forestry, horticulture and veterinary medicine. Biographical Lexicon. NORA Verlagsgemeinschaft Dyck & Westerheide, Berlin, 3rd ext. Ed., 2008, ISBN 978-3-936735-67-3 , Volume 2: M-Z, p. 837

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Address list of the Weinheimer SC. Darmstadt 1928, p. 207.