Johann of Francolin

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Johann von Francolin also Hans von Francolin or Jean de Francolin (* 1522 ; † after 1580 ) was a heraldist and herald of the Kingdom of Hungary at the time of Emperor Ferdinand I.

John of Francolin (1560)


Francolin came from Burgundy and was the first nobleman to become a herald in the area of ​​the Holy Roman Empire .

In 1560 he was the author of the "Tournament book, true knightly deeds, so in the month of June of last year LX are kept on horseback and on foot in and outside Vienna (...) described by Hansen von Francolin." The printed work comprises 85 sheets and contains several wood and copper engravings. A year later a Latin edition appeared. In addition, Francolin wrote other writings about the granting of certain privileges.

Francolin settled in Vienna. He received a 1562 from the emperor Freigut and permission for the construction of windmills. However, he only built one system. Instead, he had apartment houses built.


  • Wappenbüchlein: Weyland Kayser's Ferdinandi most precious and most commendable memorial and the coat of arms belonging to the very famous house of Austria . The edition has four pages of text and 48 pages of heraldic representations ( digitized version ).
  • Description of the Vienna Festival of 1560 in the "Thurnier Buoch", Vienna edition, with references to Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria: Rerum praeclare gestarum intra et extra moenia civitatis Viennensis ... Anni domini MDLX ... explicatio. per Joannem a Francolin Burgundium. R. Hofhalter, Vienna, ca.1561.
  • Kurtzer report, which figure from the Roman royal Mayestat, Kayser Maximilian ..., the Elector Hertzog Augustus zu Sachssen, ... by His Elector Graces Imperial Fief and Regalien, on the current ... first Reichstag, here in Augspurg, the 23rd of the month of April, openly received under heaven, and as it happened everywhere with it. Augsburg, 1566


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Paravicini: The knightly courtly culture of the Middle Ages , p. 84.
  2. ^ District history of Mariahilf ( Memento from October 8, 2007 in the Internet Archive )