Johann von Hüchtebrock

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Johann von Hüchtebrock (* 1587 ; † December 6, 1615 ) was canon in Münster .


Johann von Hüchtebrock was born as the son of Albert Bernhard von Hüchtebrock zu Gartrop (1524–1576) and his wife Katharina von Heiden zu Bruch. His brother Albrecht (1597–1628) was hereditary treasurer of Kleve and a councilor of Kleve. On May 9, 1596, Johann received the tonsure from the abbot of Werden , with which he was prepared for a spiritual life. On December 18, 1597, it came into the possession of the cathedral priest , who the canon Johann Asbeck Torck had waived. He was on gender Hüchtebrock, Eyll, pagans and Rhede been sworn . After completing a 14-month course in Padua , he was emancipated.


As the eldest son, Johann transferred his inheritance to his brother Albrecht in 1610. This was the Gartrop estate near Hünxe .


  • The diocese of Münster 4.2. ( Germania Sacra NF 17.2) The Cathedral Monastery of St. Paulus in Münster , edited by Wilhelm Kohl, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen, Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978- 3-11-008508-2 , Germania Sacra NF 17.2 Biographies of the Canons, page 19ff. Digitized.

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