Johanna Maria de Maillé

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Johanna Maria de Maillé (born April 14, 1331 in Roche-St. Quentin (Diocese of Tours), † at the end of March 1414 in Tours ) is a French saint.

Johanna Maria de Maillé was the daughter of Hardouin Baron de Maillé († 1340) and Jeanne de Montbazon († after 1352). In 1347 she married Robert von Sillé, with whom she worked in the service of her neighbor between 1346 and 1353 during the plague. After the death of her husband in 1362, she returned to Tours to enter the monastery there. In 1377 she became a cloister. After her death she was buried in the Franciscan church in Tours. Since she was very popular as an adviser to rich and poor during her lifetime, her grave became a place of pilgrimage after her death. The grave was desecrated in 1562 during the Catholic-Protestant Huguenot War.

A contemporary vita comes from Martin von Boisgaultier.
