Johannes Emil Keller

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Johannes Emil Keller (born April 30, 1879 in Oberendingen , † November 16, 1953 in Rheinsulz ) was a Swiss member of the revival movement and founder of the Free Christian Community (Keller-Gemeinschaft).


Keller came from a Catholic family and immigrated to America at a young age. Here he experienced his conversion , received decisive suggestions from John Alexander Dowie and attended a preacher's school. After his return he lived first in Switzerland and then from 1907 in Berlin-Lichtenberg . Here he gathered a small circle of supporters around him, which he gradually expanded to other parts of Germany. He worked in an inconspicuous way through the writing of tracts , through preaching and pastoral care and especially through urgent admonitions. Keller lived very simply and opposed any veneration of his person. After the Second World War he set up his residence in Rheinsulz and worked in travel services until shortly before his death.


For Keller, the only source of revelation was the Bible, which he mainly interpreted eschatologically . He dealt extensively with the four worlds of the doctrine of the four kingdoms derived from the book of Daniel and here especially with the fourth world kingdom, which is characterized by Jesus' resurrection. From the resurrection on, Keller saw a battle between Christ's followers and Satan's followers that would last until the Lord's return. After heavy fighting, an "overcomer", who in a sense plays the role of a second messiah for Keller , will establish the rule of the kingdom of God and in the battle of Armageddon the annihilation judgment will be passed on all enemies of God, before the overcomer will exercise the eternal rule of the kingdom of God from Jerusalem will.
