Johannes Krafft (arithmetic master)

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Johannes Krafft († 1620 ) from Ravensburg was obliged in 1581 by the council in Memmingen to become a "German school milliner and arithmetic master".

He applied in Ulm with a wooden board similar to an altar. In 1597 he was at the Ulm School of Mathematics founded by Conrad Marchtaler . He wrote several textbooks that were very popular.

Johannes Faulhaber was one of his students . With this he was involved in the Ulm comet dispute in 1618 .


  • A new and well-founded arithmetic book of many Kauffmanns Handel by the Welsche Practick: practiced and resolved with many Müntz varieties, in addition to finding all Extractiones Radicis in addition to invention and learning quickly: the same has never been seen in the truck ; 1591
  • New and well-founded arithmetic booklet , Ulm, 1614


  • Johannes Remelin: Analysis, the resolution of the word calculation Johannes Kraften school modists in Ulm, appended to the first part of his arithmetic booklet ; 1614
  • Julius Baum: Johann Krafft's Ten Commandments in the Museum zu Allerheiligen . ; Schaffhauser Contributions 21, 1944, pp. 214-223 21 (1944)
  • Beatrix Schütte: The typist's panel of Johann Krafft in: "The contemporary writing", issue 46. Berlin 1938

Evidence, notes

  1. Carl Wehmer: Typist of yore
  2. The artistic panel by Johann Krafft was on one of the southern pillars of the nave.

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