Johannes Matthias Tiberinus

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Johannes Matthias Tiberinus , also Giovanni Mattia Tiberino or Giovanmattia Tabarino (* around 1420 in Chiari near Brescia ; † 1490/97), was Dr. med. and around 1475 personal physician to the Bishop of Trento Johannes Hinderbach and a humanistic writer.

He was best known for his anti-Jewish writings on Simon von Trient , in which he vehemently defended the guilt of Jews accused of ritual murder .

Already on April 4th, a week after the trial opened, the Passio beati Simonis described the alleged act as a planned, brutally executed ritual murder. Tiberinus called for Judaism to be exterminated in the Christian world. No fewer than twelve prints, ten of which date from 1475, testify to the tremendous distribution of this inflammatory pamphlet, which is considered to be the most influential source on the events in Trent. In 1476 Tiberinus completed his first writing in the Historia completa de passione et obitu pueris Simonis (printed in Trento 1476), followed in 1482 by Latin poems ( Carmina ), which promoted the Simon cult.

An Innsbruck manuscript names him as the author of a Latin poem about the death of Charles the Bold in 1477.


  • Franz Josef Worstbrock , in: Author's Lexicon . 2nd edition, Volume 8, 1992, Col. 1262-1266
  • Gaia Bolpagni: Giovanni Mattia Tiberino e la passio beati Simonis pueri tridentini: edizione e commento . Diss. Milan 2010/11 online .

Web links

Wikisource: Burgundian Wars  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. The alternative form of the name Tuberinus invites you to associate it with a later Dr. phil. Johannes Tuberinus (GND 100648231) to be confused. Alessandro Perosa: Studi di filologia umanistica, Vol. 3, Rome 2000, p. 77 mentions Tabarino / Tiberinus Zeno: Dissertatione Vossiane . Venice 1753, pp. 165–167, biographically unproductive, and an essay by AM = Angelo Mazzi: Giammattia Tabarino . In: Bolletino della Civica Biblioteca di Bergamo 12 (1918), pp. 39-41 Commons (genealogically oriented). Only the study by Bolpagni provided thorough biographical information.
  2. See the references in Wikisource