Johannes Nedbal

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Johannes Nedbal (born February 11, 1934 ; † May 20, 2002 ) was a Roman Catholic theologian , apostolic protonotary and cathedral curate. From 1981 to 1998 he was rector of the Pontifical Institute Collegio Teutonico di Santa Maria dell'Anima .


Nedbal first studied at the Vienna seminary , then at the Collegio Teutonico di Santa Maria dell'Anima ( Anima ) in Rome , where he received his doctorate. He was initially secretary to Cardinal Franz König and from 1966 to 1981 he was the third branch of the Arsenal Church Maria vom Siege in Vienna.

1981 John Nedbal became the rector of the Anima appointed ; he held the office until 1998. He has significantly influenced the current direction of the anima. In 1984 he initiated the process of the foundation's legal status before the Italian state, which was only concluded shortly after the end of Rector Nedbal's term of office on June 11, 1999 by a decree of the Italian Ministry of the Interior.

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