John Fauvel

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John Fauvel (born July 21, 1947 - May 12, 2001 ) was a British mathematician .

Fauvel was originally from Scotland, where his father was a school principal, and studied mathematics at the University of Essex ( Bachelor 1970) and the University of Warwick ( Master’s degree 1973). In 1977 he received his PhD from the University of Warwick . From 1974 he was at the Open University , from 1979 as a lecturer .

Fauvel is also known in wider circles as the author of books on the history of mathematics, two of which have been translated into German.

From 1991 to 1994 he was President of the British Society for the History of Mathematics and also edited its newsletter.


  • with Raymond Flood, Robin Wilson : Music and mathematics. From Pythagoras to Fractals. Oxford University Press 2006, ISBN 0199298939
  • with Jeremy Gray : The history of mathematics. A reader. Macmillan 1987, ISBN 0333427912
  • with Robin J. Wilson, Raymond Flood: Oxford Figures: 800 Years of Mathematical Sciences. History of Mathematics at Oxford. Oxford University Press, 1999, ISBN 0198523092
  • Editors with Flood, Wilson, Michael Shortland: Newton's Work - The Foundation of Modern Science. Birkhäuser 1993 (English original: Let Newton be!, Oxford University Press 1988)
  • with Flood, Wilson: Möbius and his band - the rise of mathematics and astronomy in Germany. Birkhäuser 1994 (English original: Möbius and his band - Mathematics and Astronomy in 19th century germany. Oxford University Press 1993)
  • Mathematics through history - a source book. QED Books

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