John Homans (medic, 1877)

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John Homans (* 1877 in Boston ; † 1954 ) was an American surgeon and one of the most famous surgeons of his time.


Homans was a general surgeon with special interests in the therapy of venous vascular diseases. He introduced the vascular surgery specialty at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston . Homans was a founding member of the Society for Vascular Surgery .

Homans became known for the prevention of pulmonary embolism by ligating the superficial femoral vein (also known as Homans operation ), for modifying the condoleon operation for lymphedema, and for advocating crossectomy in variceal surgery . The Homans symbol is also named after Homans . This is a clinical sign that can indicate a deep vein thrombosis .



Individual evidence

  1. a b c Wolfgang Hach, Viola Hach-Wunderle: The surgery of the insufficient perforating veins in the course of time. Vein Center Frankfurt am Main, accessed on June 11, 2014 .
  2. Wolfgang Hach: VenenChirurgie: Guide for vascular surgeons, angiologists, dermatologists and phlebologists. 2nd Edition. Schattauer Verlag , 2007, ISBN 978-3-7945-2570-6 , p. 305