John Perrott

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John Gayford Perrott (born July 5, 1943 ) is a British diplomat .


In 2000, the Blair government sent John Perrott to the West African Gambia as British High Commissioner , replacing Tony Millson . His term of office in Gambia ended in 2002, and his successor in Gambia was Eric Jenkinson .


John Perrott is the son of Charles Hardy Perrott and Phylis Perrott (nee Dearns). He married (Joan) Wendy Lewis in 1964 and has a son and a daughter.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Perrott, John Gayford, (born 5 July 1943), HM Diplomatic Service, retired; British High Commissioner, The Gambia, 2000–2002 | WHO'S WHO & WHO WAS WHO. In: Retrieved January 16, 2019 .
  2. ^ British Ambassadors and High Commissioners 1880–2010. In: Colin Mackie, accessed January 16, 2019 .