John Ravenscroft

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John Ravenscroft (* around 1665 in London , † October 12, 1697 in Rome ) was an English composer and violinist .


John Ravenscroft was the son of a wealthy family of legal scholars. As a Catholic he first studied at the Papal English College in Douai , where he possibly received his first violin lessons. From 1688 he stayed permanently in Rome for study purposes and referred to himself as a student of Arcangelo Corelli , which is not considered certain. In Rome in 1695 twelve trio sonatas were published as his op. Six more trio sonatas followed posthumously under the name Sonatas or chamber Airs (London, 1708). In 1697 he fell seriously ill and wrote his will on October 9th. Ravenscroft died three days later and was buried in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo . In his estate there were six further trio sonatas, which were published posthumously ( Vivit post Funera Virtus ) in London in 1708 as op. 2 by Isaak Vaillant. His estate included, among other things, five violins and 44 paintings.

Ravenscroft's compositions were similar to those of Corelli, so that nine of Ravenscroft's sonatas from Op. 1 were incorrectly printed by Michel-Charles Le Cène as Corelli's op. 7 around 1735, almost 40 years after Ravencroft's death .

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Individual evidence

  1. Michael Talbot : John Ravenscroft , curriculum vitae in the preface to the edition of Ravenscroft's erroneously assigned Thirteen fugues for Keyboard , Edition HH, 2012