Jones polynomial

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The Jones polynomial is one of the most important invariants of knots and links that is investigated in knot theory , a branch of topology . It's a Laurent polynomial in .

It was discovered in 1984 by Vaughan FR Jones , who received the Fields Medal for it in 1990 .

Definition by Kauffman brackets

Be a tangle . The Kauffman polynomial in brackets is a Laurent polynomial associated with a diagram of in . The normalized Kauffman polynomial is then defined by the formula , wherein the twisting of from designated. is invariant under Reidemeister movements and therefore defines an invariant of links. The Jones polynomial is obtained by in groups.

Definition through braid group representations

Be a tangle. According to one of Alexander's sentences, it is the completion of a braid with components. A representation of the Zopf group in the Temperley – Lieb algebra with coefficients in and is defined by mapping the producer to , where the producers are the Temperley – Lieb algebra.

Be the braid too associated. Compute where is the Markov trace . This gives the polynomial in brackets , from which the Jones polynomial can be calculated as in the previous section.

Definition by skein relations

The Jones polynomial can be characterized (unambiguously) by assigning the value 1 to the trivial node and satisfying the following Skein relation :

where , and are oriented link diagrams that differ within a small area as in the image below and are identical outside of this area.

Skein relations

Definition by Chern-Simons theory

According to Edward Witten , the Jones polynomial can be defined using a topological quantum field theory , the Chern-Simons theory .


Kauffman , Murasugi, and Thistlethwaite used the Jones polynomial to prove one of the 19th-century Tait conjectures : for an alternating knot , each reduced diagram has the smallest possible number of intersections .

Distinguishability of nodes by means of the Jones polynomial

It is an open question whether the unknot is the only knot with a trivial Jones polynomial. In any case, there are different nodes with the same Jones polynomial, for example mutations of a node have the same Jones polynomial.

Special values

  • For a knot is , for an entanglement with components is .
  • If the Arf invariant is defined, is .
  • .
  • The values ​​in roots of unity are important in the Chern-Simons theory .

See also


  • Vaughan FR Jones: A polynomial invariant for knots via von Neumann algebras . In: Hyman Bass, Meyer Jerison, Calvin C. Moore (Eds.): Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (New Series) . Vol. 12, No. 1 . American Mathematical Society, 1985, ISSN  0273-0979 , pp. 103–111 , doi : 10.1090 / S0273-0979-1985-15304-2 ( [PDF; accessed December 2, 2012]).
  • Louis H. Kauffman: State models and the Jones polynomial . In: Topology . Vol. 26, No. 3 . Elsevier, 1987, ISSN  0040-9383 , pp. 395-407 , doi : 10.1016 / 0040-9383 (87) 90009-7 ( [PDF; accessed December 2, 2012]).
  • Pierre de la Harpe, Michel Kervaire, Claude Weber: On the Jones polynomial . In: Enseign. Math. (2) 32 (1986) no. 3-4, pp. 271-335.
  • WB Raymond Lickorish: An introduction to knot theory (=  Graduate Texts in Mathematics . Volume 175 ). Springer, New York 1997, ISBN 0-387-98254-X .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Witten, op.cit.