José Manuel Blecua Teijeiro

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José Manuel Blecua Teijeiro (born January 10, 1913 in Alcolea de Cinca , Huesca province , † March 8, 2003 in Barcelona ) was a Spanish Romance scholar and Hispanist .

life and work

Blecua came to Zaragoza with his family in 1923 and was led there by Miguel Labordeta, the father of the writers Miguel Labordeta (1921-1969) and José Antonio Labordeta , to literature. He completed a double degree in law and philology in 1933, taught as a high school teacher, first in Almería, then for 20 years in Saragossa, founded the Editorial Ebro publishing house, completed his doctorate in 1944 and was appointed to the University of Barcelona in 1959 , where he remained until his retirement in 1983 Chair of Spanish Language and Literature occupied.

Blecua published numerous works on Spanish literary history. He was active as editor of the great authors of the Siglo de Oro , but also of poets of the 20th century. Among his best-known works is the Antología de la poesía española lírica de tipo tradicional (Madrid 1956) edited with Dámaso Alonso .

Blecua became an honorary member of the Real Academia Española in 1982 . He received the Premio Aragón de las letras (today: Premio de las Letras Aragoneses ) in 1986 and the Premio Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in 1993 . Blecua was an honorary doctor from the Universities of Montpellier and Zaragoza. A grammar school is named after him in Saragossa.

Blecua was the father of the Romanist and linguist José Manuel Blecua Perdices (* 1939), with whom he is occasionally confused.


  • Homenaje a José Manuel Blecua ofrecido por sus discípulos, colegas y amigos , Madrid 1983
  • Homenaje a José Manuel Blecua , Huesca 1986
  • Homenaje a José Manuel Blecua. San Juan de la Cruz y su poesía y Fray Luis de León y su poesía. Actas de la 11e edición del Seminario Internacional sobre Literatura Española y Edad de Oro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 11-16 de marzo de 1991 , Madrid 1992

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