José María Fenollera Ibáñez

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José María Fenollera Ibáñez

José María Fenollera Ibáñez (born December 10, 1851 in Valencia , † December 6, 1918 in Santiago de Compostela ) was a Spanish painter.

He graduated from the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Carlos in Valencia and in 1872 traveled to Rome on a scholarship from his hometown, where he spent five years. As a result, the artist lived in Paris for a few years and learned the technique of photo engraving. He then settled in Madrid, where, among other things, he designed templates for the royal tapestry factory and collaborated with Emilio Sala Francés on the design of the legendary Café de Fornos . From 1887 he lived in Santiago de Compostela. As a professor at the art academy there, the artist came into close contact with the intellectual awakening movement in Galicia and regionalism. Fenollera became a sought-after portraitist of the upper class of Santigo de Compostela.


  • Sobrino Manzanares, ML: "La Edad Contemporánea" en Historia del Arte Gallego, Madrid: 1982
  • Vila Jato, María Dolores y José Manuel B. López Vázquez. José M. Fenollera, (1851-1918): novembro-decembro, 1996
  • VV.AA Artistas Pintores, tomo II, Novecientos, Vigo: Nova Galicia Edicións. 1997 Novagalicia
  • VV.AA. Los primeros pensionados, Bernardo Ferrandis, Francisco Domingo, José Mª Fenollera
  • José Gómez Frechina: Fenollera Ibáñez, José María . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 38, Saur, Munich a. a. 2003, ISBN 3-598-22778-7 , p. 186.

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