Josef Mark

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Josef Ignaz Mark ( March 11, 1850 in Vienna - February 5, 1916 in Karlsruhe ) was an Austrian theater actor and opera singer ( bass ).


Mark was trained by Carl Adolf Friese and began his stage career in Innsbruck in 1869. In 1870 he came to the Praise Theater in Breslau, in 1872 to the Friedrich Wilhelmstädtische Theater in Berlin, and in 1874 to the Thaliatheater Hamburg. From there he moved to the Stadttheater Hamburg in 1878. After ten more years in Hamburg, he went to the Karlsruher Hoftheater in 1888.

He represented the subject of heroes and hero fathers and was valued as a good actor. But he also took on bass roles in opera. Mark was one of the pillars of the Karlsruher Hofbühne.

From his repertoire the "Berengar" in the bride of Messina , the "Tell", the "Wallenstein", the "Götz", the "Macbeth", "President Walther", the "Bear-Josef" etc. are worth mentioning.


Individual evidence

  1. a b baptismal register Vienna Wieden (Paulaner), tom. 19, fol. 30 ( facsimile )
  2. ^ Kosch, Wilhelm: Deutsches Theater-Lexikon . tape 2 . Ferd. Kleinmayr, Klagenfurt and Vienna 1960, ISBN 978-3-11-095433-3 , p. 1361 .