Josef Matt (politician, 1910)

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Josef Matt (born April 9, 1910 in Klagenfurt ; † July 15, 1972 ibid) was an Austrian politician ( CS / ÖVP ) and technical employee. From 1945 to 1953 he was a member of the Austrian National Council .


Matt attended elementary school and the higher state trade school and learned the profession of coachbuilder. He was active in the Christian Social Party and worked in his father's wagon workshop. He was involved in the Heimwehr movement and was only 24 years old when he was appointed President of the Chamber of Labor by the Fatherland Front in Carinthia , although he had previously had no ties to workers' organizations. From January 1934 to March 1938 he was chairman of the trade union federation and the Chamber for Workers and Salaried Employees in Carinthia and during this time he was also deputy chairman of the regional health insurance fund for Carinthia, chairman of the employee health insurance fund and deputy chairman of the Carinthian working group.

After the Second World War , the British occupying power designated him as Vice Mayor of Klagenfurt in 1945. He was also active in the state party leadership of the ÖVP Carinthia and represented the ÖVP in the National Council between December 19, 1945 and March 18, 1953.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Walter Göhring, Brigitte Pellar: Adaptation and resistance. Chambers of labor and trade unions in the Austrian corporate state. ÖGB-Verlag, Vienna 2001, p. 48.
  2. August Walzl: Political course setting. In: Helmut Rumpler (ed.): Carinthia. From the German border mark to the Austrian federal state. (History of the Austrian federal states since 1945, vol. 2) ISBN 3-205-98792-6 , p. 81.
  3. ^ Report of the Federation of Austrian Workers and Employees. 1936, p. 64.
  4. ^ Alfred Elste, Dirk Hänisch: Carinthia from the First to the Second Republic - Continuity or Change? , Hermagoras Verlag, Klagenfurt / Vienna 1998, p. 108.

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