Josefthomas Brinkschröder

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Josefthomas "Joto" Brinkschröder (born September 14, 1909 in Paderborn ; † January 29, 1992 ibid) was a German painter and sculptor .


Josefthomas (Joto) Brinkschröder completed an apprenticeship as a sculptor with the Braun brothers in Paderborn from 1925 to 1929. He then studied from 1929 to 1930 at the crafts and arts and crafts school in Bielefeld with Rickert. From 1934 to 1940 Brinkschröder studied at the University of Fine and Applied Arts in Berlin-Charlottenburg as a master student of Ludwig Gies . Since 1945 he worked as a freelance artist in Paderborn.


Brinkschröder's extensive and varied work as a painter and sculptor is characterized by the abundance of his technical possibilities: building sculpture, art glass grinding, metal, stone, wood and mosaic work. His works show, among other things, clear connections to Cubism .

Brinkschröder's most important works include the three-meter-high windows created for Paderborn's town hall, in which the old imperial, bishop and Hanseatic city is presented: on the left the figure of the emperor decorated with medieval imperial insignia, in the middle a bishop and right the Hanseatic merchant ( self-portrait ).

Other works by Brinkschröder in the town hall are the 30-meter-long banister, the brass disks of which with different motifs structure the ornamentation of the banister infill, the wood-carved supraporte of the large door in front of the meeting room in which the destruction of Paderborn is depicted and the town hall doors with the history of Paderborn.

Publicly owned works

  • 1953 railing, stairwell of the Paderborn town hall
  • 1954 Statue "Josef with Child", Herz-Jesu-Kirche, Paderborn
  • three ground glass windows "Kaiser - Bishop - Hanse"
  • wood-carved over door
  • "Destruction of the city of Paderborn - rubble property"
  • 1955 mosaics, school, Dörenhagen near Paderborn
  • 1955/56 baptismal font, figure of St. Meinolf, statue of the Madonna and window design, Meinolfus Church, Paderborn
  • 1957 Window design, rose window above the main portal, Elisabeth Church, Paderborn
  • 1958 Doors of the main portal of the Paderborn town hall
  • 1960 Berlin-Stein, Detmolder Tor, Paderborn
  • 1963 Portal with four metal reliefs "Life and death of the church patron Laurentius", St. Laurentius, Paderborn
  • Relief, Reismann-Gymnasium, Paderborn
  • Window design, St. Barbara Church, Herne-Elpeshof
  • 1968 Entrance door to the large conference room in the district building, Paderborn
  • 1969 Pieta made of oak, cemetery chapel, Sommersell
  • 1971 Relief, School of Agriculture and Horticulture, Paderborn
  • 1986 marble mosaic, district police authority, Paderborn.

Solo exhibitions

  • 1969 on the occasion of his 60th birthday, town house on Abdinghof in Paderborn
  • 1983 »Sculptures«, Städt. Neuhaus Castle Gallery
  • 1989 »Plastic painting, graphic glass grinding, driving work«, City Gallery Paderborn
  • 2019 "Man, Brinkschröder! - For the 110th birthday of Josefthomas Brinkschröder ”, Paderborn City Museum


  • Josefthomas Brinkschröder: Exhibition on the occasion of his 80th birthday; Städtische Galerie, September 3 to October 1, 1989. Städtische Galerie, Paderborn 1989

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