Joseph Anton Billet

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Joseph Anton Billet (born March 21, 1759 in Ettenheim , † March 8, 1834 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a merchant in Offenburg and builder of the local Villa Billet, which today u. a. is used for weddings.

Origin and family

Joseph Anton's parents were Maria Barbara Richter (1719–1790) and the master butcher Philipp Billet (1732–1768). In 1790 he married Maria Johanna Lindt, daughter of the Frankfurt merchant and beer brewer Johannes Jacob Lindt.


Billet had leased the salt monopoly in Offenburg and became rich through the salt trade, so that he was at the top of the Offenburg tax list for many years. In 1800 he was appointed city master of the “Young Council” of the guilds; In 1831 he was elected to the second chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly, from which, however, he resigned in the same year.

He had the Villa Billet, also known as Billet'sches Schlösschen, built in 1804/1805 as a classical pavilion. Today the villa is listed and has been renovated as part of the integration into the Offenburg public park.


Individual evidence

  1. Offenburg: Billet'sches castle. Retrieved March 2, 2020 .
  2. ^ Family Search: Josephus Antonius Billet, Deutschland Geburten und Taufen, 1558-1898. Retrieved March 2, 2020 .
  3. ^ Family Search: Josephus Antonius Billet and Maria Johanna Regina Lind, Germany, Baden, Archdiocese of Freiburg, Catholic church books, 1678-1930. Retrieved March 2, 2020 .
  4. ^ City of Offenburg: Villa Billet. Retrieved February 29, 2020 .