Joseph Peitzmeier

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Joseph Peitzmeier (born July 7, 1897 in Lintel ; † October 11, 1978 in Rheda-Wiedenbrück ) was a theologian, ornithologist , psychologist, teacher and priest .

After studying theology and biology at the Theological-Philosophical University in Paderborn and the universities in Münster and Göttingen . He received his doctorate in 1924 at the Psychological Institute of the University of Münster with a thesis on the animal psychology of Albertus Magnus.

He was ordained a priest in Paderborn and passed his state examination for teaching in Kassel.

From 1932 he had a teaching post and from 1945 he became an adjunct professor at the Theological-Philosophical University in Paderborn for biology and anthropology. He later became head of the social pedagogical seminar at the women's college until 1966.

For a long time he was a teacher of biology and theology at the Hüffertgymnasium in Warburg.

He was chairman of the German Ornithological Society and co-founder of the Association for Scientific Natural History and Nature Conservation Egge-Weser, on whose board he was. In 1969 he published an Avifauna of Westphalia , which also included the Avifauna of the Höxter district published in 1962 by Kurt Preywisch . In total he wrote more than 200 ornithological publications.

He received the honorary title of prelate . In 1970 he received the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class .


  • The mistletoe in the upper Ems area Treatise of the State Museum of the Province of Westphalia, Mus. f. Naturkunde, 9 (5) Münster 1938, pp. 3–20.
  • Can deviating ecological behavior of a bird population be explained by psychological factors? - Ornithological monthly reports, 47 (6) 1939, pp. 161–166.
  • The significance of the ecological inertia for faunistic studies. Journal of Ornithology No. 90 (3-4), 1942, pp. 311-322.
  • About the further development of the park landscape population of the mistletoe in northwest Germany. - Orn. Research Paderborn 1947, s. 31-36.
  • The biology of the mistletoe thrush (Turdus v. Viscivorus L.) with special consideration of the park landscape population . Ibidem. 1947, pp. 42-76.
  • On the spread of the park landscape population of the mistletoe in Lower Saxony . - Contribution of nature code. Lower Saxony, 1 1949, pp. 4-8.
  • About non-hereditary behaviors in birds . In: Ornithology as a biological science, Festschrift Stresemann,. - Heidelberg 1949, pp. 204-210
  • On the ecological behavior of the mistletoe (Turdus v. Viscivorus L.) in northwestern Europe Zool. Beitr., 2, Bonn 1951, pp. 217-224
  • For the latest discussion of the north-west European mistletoe problem , Journal for Ornithology No. 98 (2): 1957 145–154.
  • Avifauna , Westphalian State Museum for Natural History, Münster 1969
  • Empirical anthropology in the service of pastoral care Work on pastoral psychology on the occasion of his 80th birthday on July 7, 1977 Ed. a. by Josef Schwermer, Salzkotten 1977

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