Joseph Wyss

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Joseph Wyss (born January 5, 1868 in Büron , † 1956 in Zurich ) was a Swiss automobile entrepreneur .


Wyss was born as the son of Josef Franz Heinrich Wyss and Johanna Arnold. The father came from Heinrich Wyss and Anna Amberg. The art locksmith and car pioneer Joseph Wyss presented a vis-à-vis and a year later a voiturette , both of which he named after his new place of residence, Bern Berna . In 1904 he bought a bankrupt factory in Olten and founded J. Wyss, Schweizerische Automobilfabrik Berna, from which the Motorenwerke Berna AG emerged in 1906 .

Wyss resigned from the company in 1907 after disputes with the workforce and investors. He then worked abroad, u. a. as a designer of engines and apparatus, and returned to Switzerland in 1928.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Waldis : A car with the federal city in its name. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . June 13, 2002.