Journal for Religion, Film and Media

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Journal for Religion, Film and Media
JRFM Logo.png
description scientific journal
Area of ​​Expertise Religious studies, theology, media studies
language English
publishing company Schüren Verlag, Marburg
Headquarters Graz, Austria
First edition 2015
Frequency of publication half-yearly
Editor-in-chief Christian Wessely
Web link
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

The Journal for Religion, Film and Media , or JRFM for short, is a biannual scientific journal that deals with the diverse interactions between religion and audiovisual media. JRFM is interdisciplinary and accordingly offers different methodological and theoretical approaches to a specific topic. Each issue also contains an open section and media reviews on books, films, computer games, etc.

The journal is published in English, is double-blind, peer-reviewed and is available online as an open access edition and as print on demand from Schüren Verlag Marburg. Calls for Papers are published on both the journal's homepage and on the Facebook page.


In 2013 the concept of a European open access journal dealing with the field of media and religion was developed by Christian Wessely ( Karl-Franzens-University Graz ) and Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati (then University of Zurich). Bärbel Beinhauer-Köhler (Philipps University Marburg), Anna-Katharina Höpflinger (then University of Zurich), Stefanie Knauss ( Villanova University , US), Marie-Therese Mäder (then University of Zurich / MIT, US), Alexander D. Ornella (University Hull) and Davide Zordan (Fondazione Bruno Kessler Trento) agreed to act as editors of the magazine.

The Schüren Verlag in Marburg took over the publishing support and the publication of the magazine as print on demand. The first edition of the JRFM was published on November 15, 2015. In March 2016, Philippe Bornet (University of Lausanne) joined the editorial committee because Davide Zordan had passed away unexpectedly in October 2015. The project coordinator Natalie Fritz has also been a member of the editorial board since 2018.

Since autumn 2015, an issue has been published every six months on May 15 and November 15, each of which deals in depth with a specific topic. In addition, there is an open section in which there is room for current topics that are not covered by the call for papers related to the issue .

The project is supported by the University of Graz, the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , the Villanova University and the State of Styria . The online edition is hosted by the Graz University Library .

Previous editions

  • Science Fiction and Religion - Exploring new worlds, creating new things and questioning the old ... This issue examines the manifold interactions between religion and science fiction
  • Apocalyptic Imaginings - This issue deals with different media representations of the Apocalypse.
  • Understanding Jesus in the Early Modern Period and Beyond. Across Text and Other Media - The life of Jesus on earth fascinated people from different cultures and religious traditions. This edition deals with the media representations that relate to it.
  • Special Edition: Selected Papers of JRFM - This special edition presents a selection of articles from previous editions that approach the topic of religion, film and the media in different ways.
  • The Media of Marriage / Wedding - This issue is dedicated to the topic of the mediality of weddings and examines the staging of the marriage ritual in various media.
  • Trauma, Memory and Religion - This issue deals with the interaction between trauma, memory and religion using different media representations in different cultural areas.
  • Using Media in Religious Studies - How can media be fruitfully integrated into religious studies teaching? This issue examines these and other questions.
  • Drawn Stories, Moving Images. Comic Books and their Screen Adaptations - good and bad, martyr-like heroes and apocalyptic scenarios are the cornerstones of many comic stories and their cinematic adaptations. This issue explores the religious motifs, narratives and basic questions in these media representations.
  • From Social Criticism to Hope. The Cinema of the Dardenne Brothers - Realistic, critical and yet full of hope. The Dardenne Brothers' cinema is a treasure trove for researchers who deal with the interaction between religion and the media - this issue clearly shows.
  • "I sing the body electric". Body, Voice, Technology and Religion - body and voice are media of communication, including religious ones. How important is technology here? This issue examines these and other questions.
  • Thinking Methods in Media and Religion - The first edition approaches the research area of ​​media and religion in a methodical and interdisciplinary manner and thus shows how diverse the interactions between the two fields are.


  • Religion, film, media - international research platform
  • Interfilm - International Church Film Organization
  • Signis - World Catholic Association for Communication
  • International Exchange on Media and Religion - International Research Group
  • Media and Religion - International Research Group

Individual evidence

  1. ZDB catalog - detailed information: Journal for religion, ... Accessed on May 31, 2020 .
  2. ^ Journal for Religion, Film and Media - Religious Studies and History of Religions - LMU Munich. Accessed May 31, 2020 .
  3. EDITORIAL CIRCLES - Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati. Retrieved on May 31, 2020 (Swiss Standard German).
  4. MAGAZINE - Religion, Film, Media. Retrieved on May 31, 2020 (German).
  5. Journal for Religion, Film and Media | Accessed May 31, 2020 .
  6. Homepage Research Group Media and Religion. Retrieved May 5, 2020 .