Juan Boscán Almogávar

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Juan Boscán Almogávar (* around 1490 in Barcelona ; † 1542 ibid., Catal . Spelling of the name Joan Boscà i Almogáver ) was a Spanish poet . Through his trip to Italy, he brought the newer Italian style to Spain. He was based on Dante and Francesco Petrarca .


He came from the rising Catalan bourgeoisie and lived at the court of the Catholic Kings. He also worked as a tutor to the Duke of Alba. On an official mission, he went on a trip to Italy , where he met Garcilaso de la Vega ; with this he had a lifelong friendship.

In 1534, Boscán translated the courtly etiquette Il Cortegiano by Baldassare Castiglione from Italian into Spanish, which should have far-reaching effects on the development of Spanish poetry.


  • Las obras (posthumously 1543): mainly sonnets and canzons in the Italian style

Secondary literature

  • Lorenzo, Javier: "Nuevos casos, nuevas artes": Intertextualidad, autorrepresentación e ideología en la obra de Juan Boscán . New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2007 (Currents in Comparative Romance Languages ​​and Literatures; 158)

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