Juan Carlos Baglietto

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Juan Carlos Baglietto (born June 14, 1956 in Rosario / Province of Santa Fe ) is an Argentine singer-songwriter.

Baglietto belonged to various amateur bands ( Via Venetos , Confidencia ) before he founded the group Irreal in 1975 with keyboardist Juan Chianelli , bassist Jorge Llonch , flautist Piraña Fegundez , guitarist Alberto Corradini and drummer Daniel Wirtz . This took part in 1979 at the first Encuentro Nacional de Rock del Interio in Tucamán and recorded an album before it was dissolved in the same year.

In the early 1980s he appeared with a band consisting of Fito Páez , Silvina Garré and Zappo Aguilera , which released the LP Tiemps dificiles in 1982 . In 1983 he separated from the band with Garré and recorded the LP Baglietto with him . He took part in the Festival de La Falda , the El Rosariozo concert in his hometown (alongside Litto Nebbia , Silvina Garrè and Fabiàn Gallardo ) and on a promotional tour through Chile at the Festival de Viña del Mar and gave five sold-out concerts at the Teatro Astral in Mexico . With Nito Mestre , Celeste Carballo and Obeja Negra he presented the album Porque Cantamos in Chile in 1984 .

In 1986 he performed in Rosario with Fito Pàez, Silvina Garrè and Antonio Tarragò Ros in a concert in front of 100,000 listeners. His LP Mami (with Sergio Sainz , bass, Eduardo Rogatti , guitar, Marco Pusineri , drums and Rubèn Goldìn , vocals) was performed in 1987 in a choreography with life-size puppets and dancers. As a representative of Argentina, he took part in the International Youth Festivals in the USSR in 1988 (alongside León Gieco and Litto Nebbia ) and in South Korea in 1989.

In 1990 Baglietto's album Ayùdame a mirar appeared in collaboration with, among others, Adriàn Abonizio , Rubèn Goldìn , Chico Buarque and Joaquìn Sabina . With Lito Vitale he realized the music project Postales de este lado del mundo with songs by Carlos Gardel , Homero Manzi , the brothers Expòsito, Mariano Mores and Discèpolo . With Adriàn Abonizio, Fito Pàez, Jorge Fandermole and Rubèn Goldìn he recorded the album Luz quitapenas in 1996 . During a performance of his greatest hits at the Buenos Aires Opera Theater with musicians such as Leòn Gieco , Fito Pàez, Ana Belèn , Joaquìn Sabina and Alejandro Lerner , it was recorded 15 años in 1998. His album Postales del alma (with Lito Vitale) was awarded a Latin Grammy for best tango album in 2000.

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