Juan José Landaeta

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Juan José Landaeta (born March 10, 1780 in Caracas , † October 16, 1814 in Valencia ) was a Venezuelan composer.


Landaeta entered Padre Sojo's music school as a child , where he was a student of Juan Manuel Olivares . He later worked as a violinist and music director at various churches in Caracas. In 1810 he was one of the revolutionaries who campaigned for Venezuela's independence from Spain. In 1811 he founded the Certamen de Música Vocal e Instrumental concert company .

After the fall of the First Republic he was imprisoned, from which he was freed by Simón Bolívar's conquest of Caracas . He joined this, but got into the hands of José Tomás Boves , who had him executed .

In 1810, Landaeta is said to have composed the melody for the song Gloria al bravo pueblo ( Glory be to the brave people ) by Vicente Salias (according to other traditions by Andrés Bello ), which was declared the Venezuelan national anthem in 1881 by General Antonio Guzmán Blanco . Its authorship is, however, controversial; Lino Gallardo is also a possible composer.


  • Tantum ergo (1798), composed with José Francisco Velásquez (son)
  • Benedictus (1799)
  • Salve regina (1800)
  • Benedictus y Pésame a la Virgen
  • Gloria al Bravo Pueblo (1810)